
Podcasting Privacy: Do You Have a "No List" for Your Podcast?

One of the first steps I tell new podcasters when they ask “How do I get started?” is to come up with a list of episodes/topics/guests to interview. If they’re unable to do that, there’s a good chance they’ll run out of steam quickly and Podfade— when someone starts a podcast and abandons it for one reason or another (most commonly, it’s because people tend to underestimate the time, money, energy, inspiration, etc. it takes to podcast longterm).

This is fairly common starting advice from podcast mentors, coaches, and consultants.

But what I’ve started including in my recommendations for new podcasters is to not only think about what they want to share with the world, but also what they don’t want to share or do when it comes to their podcast.

Story Time: Your Podcast Audience Will Change (And That's OK!)

About 11 years ago, I found my first podcasts and I fell in love. I've talked about the story before so I won't go too deep into it, but the short version is when I was moving out during my divorce, and I didn't have cable set up in my new apartment, but I had internet so when it came to entertainment while I was unpacking, I didn't have much else but my phone.

So I opened the newish purple app called iTunes (now Apple Podcasts) and began exploring what was available. I had a friend who listened to podcasts and I thought it was cool that there were these great audio shows available for free, so I tried it out.

Pick My Brain: Recommendations for Remote Co-Hosting a Podcast

I recently got an email from someone looking to start a podcast with their friend, but they wondered if it was possible since they live in separate states.

This is a common question in podcasting and my recommendations are usually the same when I get these questions in my inbox, so I wanted to share my response here. If you’re a new podcaster looking to get started, be sure to save this link and share it with your cohosts.

Podcasting Made Easy: How a Workflow Can Simplify Your Production Process

Do you have a podcast workflow? Maybe you do and don’t even realize it.

A podcast workflow is the order in which you put together a podcast episode from start to finish. It’s something new podcasters seem to overlook, whereas many seasoned podcasters go into their podcasting workflow without even realizing they do it, but would be lost without it.

FREEBIE: Tips for Interviewing Podcast Guests

FREEBIE: Tips for Interviewing Podcast Guests

While your comfortable (or getting comfortable) behind the microphone, your guests might not be. Although they may have amazing insights to share and your audience will love them, it's still nerve-wracking to be put on the spot.

While I can't do much to take away their nerves (aside from give you my recipe for Sangria, maybe), I can offer some tips to help them feel more at ease about sounding good.

While it might be easier to have your guest join you in your studio, it's not always possible. The tips in this post are for podcast interviews done remotely.

Start Setting Your Podcast Goals for 2018

Start Setting Your Podcast Goals for 2018

As this year winds down, you're probably thinking of ways you can either improve your podcast in the new year or even start one. And as any productivity expert will tell you, setting goals is an excellent way to make sure you stay on track and keep up the momentum. And having goals put in place for your podcast is no different. Here are some quick tips to help you plan your podcasting year in 2018 and some suggestions to help you get started.

Do You Have Time for a Podcast?

Do You Have Time for a Podcast?

Your time is so, so precious. And I won't lie and tell you podcasting takes no time at all, because it absolutely takes time. But I will tell you podcasting doesn't have to take over your life (unless you're like me and LOVE everything-podcasting and choose to spend almost every waking hour thinking about, listening to, recording, or editing podcasts).

Here's the great thing about podcasting: If you're adding podcasting as part of your outreach, you probably already have a lot of the content you can re-purpose into a podcast. If you're podcasting for fun, the time spent can vary, but as you keep podcasting, you'll become faster and more efficient.

So, what kind of time commitment are we talking here? Let's break it down ...