
Podcasting Privacy: Do You Have a "No List" for Your Podcast?

One of the first steps I tell new podcasters when they ask “How do I get started?” is to come up with a list of episodes/topics/guests to interview. If they’re unable to do that, there’s a good chance they’ll run out of steam quickly and Podfade— when someone starts a podcast and abandons it for one reason or another (most commonly, it’s because people tend to underestimate the time, money, energy, inspiration, etc. it takes to podcast longterm).

This is fairly common starting advice from podcast mentors, coaches, and consultants.

But what I’ve started including in my recommendations for new podcasters is to not only think about what they want to share with the world, but also what they don’t want to share or do when it comes to their podcast.

The Most Important Recordings You'll Ever Create

It’s funny the things you save to remember people you’ve lost. When my dad died earlier this year and I helped my stepmom clean out his stuff, I kept his prescription aviator sunglasses and a mostly used bottle of Aqua Velva — I knew I couldn’t toss those two things that distinctly make up my forever mental picture of my dad.

I have them displayed on a shelf by my desk as both a tribute and so I can reach over and unscrew that cologne cap whenever I want to remember what my dad would smell like when he was getting himself hyped up for social interactions.

What Types of Podcast Production Help Are Available?

Looking to work with someone on your podcast but not sure where to start? Maybe you’re just starting out and looking for someone to walk you through starting a podcast from idea to full launch. Or perhaps you’re seeking out someone to help you behind the scenes on your podcast or handle the tasks you’d rather outsource.

Let’s look at some of the jobs in podcasting and some of the questions to ask when you interview someone to help you work on your podcast.

5 Types of Challenging Podcast Guests (and How to Handle Them)

No matter how many times you've been on the hosting side of a podcasting microphone, a challenging guest is never fun to work with.

If you're a podcaster who frequently invites guests on their show, you may already know what I'm talking about.

And if you're new to podcasting, allow me to introduce you to a few types of challenging guests you may come across:

8 Things to Check to Spring Clean Your Podcast

Spring is in the air and it's time to celebrate new life! If you've been looking to get a bit of a refresh for your podcast or simply want to procrastinate actual dusting and cleaning by working on your podcast, enjoy some things you can do to spring clean your podcast!

5 Tips to Improve Your Podcast Episode Titles

Imagine going on your podcast app, searching for a new podcast. Let’s say you want to find a Mindfulness podcast since this is what I’m currently taking a course on and it’s on my mind (well, obviously 😉).

You find one you think you might like, but you can’t be sure just from the title and cover art, alone. And maybe the description is even a little vague (which is more common than you’d think).

Most likely, you would go to the list of episodes so you can check out what kind of things they talk about. But what if all you saw was this:

Episode 45
Episode 44
Episode 43
Episode 42
Episode 41
… you get the idea.

Why I Switched My Podcasting Microphone

You may have seen me on social media or live-streaming and on videos using a different microphone than the one I’ve been using for FIVE YEARS. It took a lot to drag me away from my favorite mic of all time, the Audio-Technica ATR2100.

But, Audio-Technica has discontinued the microphone and created a newer model, the Audio-Technica ATR2100x. While the Audio-Technica ATR2100x seems to function the same and the price point is still below $100 ($99 at the time of this post), I am not sure how well it will work with my voice until I get a chance to test it out.

Resources for Those Finding Themselves Working Virtually

For the past few weeks, while many businesses are finding themselves going virtual quickly, I have heard from a lot of friends and former colleagues who are looking for tools and resources that are reliable, affordable and easy-to-work-with.

I’m glad to be able to round all of my favorite work-at-home resources into one page and will be adding as I think of more.

6 Most Common Beginner Podcasting Questions (and the Answers)

6 Most Common Beginner Podcasting Questions (and the Answers)

I’ve started creating an Instagram Stories Highlight on my Instagram page for Frequently Asked Podcasting Questions, and as much as I love helping people when these questions are asked, I realized it would be a great resource to put the 5 most common questions in a blog post. So, enjoy!

Where should I host my podcast?

The four places I tell soon-to-be podcasters to look at for hosting are:

Depending on your podcasting needs, one of these may be better than the others.

My favorite, though, is Libsyn. It’s where I host my podcast and I use their free Podcast Page as the website for my show. (Want to see how I set up my Libsyn website? Click here to watch the video.)

Want to try Libsyn free? Use the code EMILY when you sign up!

What to Bring to a Podcasting Conference

What to Bring to a Podcasting Conference

If you’ve ever been to summer camp, you remember the first day back the next summer and seeing all your friends again after almost a year. Well, as a podcast, you get to relive that feeling at podcasting conferences!

I’m really not a workaholic, but I consider the conferences mini-vacations for me, which probably means I’m in the right profession, since work isn’t supposed to be this fun, right?

But if you’ve never been before, you may find yourself worried about what to pack and bring with you for your first. Here are some of my favorite items to bring when I go to podcasting conferences.