
Podcasting Privacy: Do You Have a "No List" for Your Podcast?

One of the first steps I tell new podcasters when they ask “How do I get started?” is to come up with a list of episodes/topics/guests to interview. If they’re unable to do that, there’s a good chance they’ll run out of steam quickly and Podfade— when someone starts a podcast and abandons it for one reason or another (most commonly, it’s because people tend to underestimate the time, money, energy, inspiration, etc. it takes to podcast longterm).

This is fairly common starting advice from podcast mentors, coaches, and consultants.

But what I’ve started including in my recommendations for new podcasters is to not only think about what they want to share with the world, but also what they don’t want to share or do when it comes to their podcast.

What Types of Podcast Production Help Are Available?

Looking to work with someone on your podcast but not sure where to start? Maybe you’re just starting out and looking for someone to walk you through starting a podcast from idea to full launch. Or perhaps you’re seeking out someone to help you behind the scenes on your podcast or handle the tasks you’d rather outsource.

Let’s look at some of the jobs in podcasting and some of the questions to ask when you interview someone to help you work on your podcast.

Do You Need a Housekeeping Segment for Your Podcast?

The beginning of the year is a great time to reintroduce your podcast audience to you, your business, and your show. Sometimes podcasters like to add a quick housekeeping segment to the beginning of their podcast as a way to introduce new listeners to information about your show and extras you may offer, like links in show notes, additional information on your website, or how to work with you/your business.

This is also a great way to remind longtime listeners of all these things, especially those who’ve been loving your podcast content and can’t wait to see what else you have to offer.

Start Setting Your Podcast Goals for 2018

Start Setting Your Podcast Goals for 2018

As this year winds down, you're probably thinking of ways you can either improve your podcast in the new year or even start one. And as any productivity expert will tell you, setting goals is an excellent way to make sure you stay on track and keep up the momentum. And having goals put in place for your podcast is no different. Here are some quick tips to help you plan your podcasting year in 2018 and some suggestions to help you get started.

Do You Have Time for a Podcast?

Do You Have Time for a Podcast?

Your time is so, so precious. And I won't lie and tell you podcasting takes no time at all, because it absolutely takes time. But I will tell you podcasting doesn't have to take over your life (unless you're like me and LOVE everything-podcasting and choose to spend almost every waking hour thinking about, listening to, recording, or editing podcasts).

Here's the great thing about podcasting: If you're adding podcasting as part of your outreach, you probably already have a lot of the content you can re-purpose into a podcast. If you're podcasting for fun, the time spent can vary, but as you keep podcasting, you'll become faster and more efficient.

So, what kind of time commitment are we talking here? Let's break it down ...