
Story Time: Your Podcast Audience Will Change (And That's OK!)

About 11 years ago, I found my first podcasts and I fell in love. I've talked about the story before so I won't go too deep into it, but the short version is when I was moving out during my divorce, and I didn't have cable set up in my new apartment, but I had internet so when it came to entertainment while I was unpacking, I didn't have much else but my phone.

So I opened the newish purple app called iTunes (now Apple Podcasts) and began exploring what was available. I had a friend who listened to podcasts and I thought it was cool that there were these great audio shows available for free, so I tried it out.

5 Icky Podcast Promotion Strategies — Are You Making These Mistakes?

5 Icky Podcast Promotion Strategies — Are You Making These Mistakes?

Let's get real for a minute.

Do you like when people come to your door to try to sell you something?

Do you enjoy when you're walking along the street and someone stops you to try to get you to take their flier or get you into their store?

Do you like pop-up ads?

Then stop spamming your podcast!

Here's the deal — I know your podcast is probably great. Your audience likes it. You're probably getting feedback from your listeners. But if you're constantly (keyword here is "constantly") throwing out your latest episode link on social media, to your friends, family, in your groups and all over the place, it may get you a few more listeners, but it's also going to annoy more people.