
Why I Switched My Podcasting Microphone

You may have seen me on social media or live-streaming and on videos using a different microphone than the one I’ve been using for FIVE YEARS. It took a lot to drag me away from my favorite mic of all time, the Audio-Technica ATR2100.

But, Audio-Technica has discontinued the microphone and created a newer model, the Audio-Technica ATR2100x. While the Audio-Technica ATR2100x seems to function the same and the price point is still below $100 ($99 at the time of this post), I am not sure how well it will work with my voice until I get a chance to test it out.

6 Most Common Beginner Podcasting Questions (and the Answers)

6 Most Common Beginner Podcasting Questions (and the Answers)

I’ve started creating an Instagram Stories Highlight on my Instagram page for Frequently Asked Podcasting Questions, and as much as I love helping people when these questions are asked, I realized it would be a great resource to put the 5 most common questions in a blog post. So, enjoy!

Where should I host my podcast?

The four places I tell soon-to-be podcasters to look at for hosting are:

Depending on your podcasting needs, one of these may be better than the others.

My favorite, though, is Libsyn. It’s where I host my podcast and I use their free Podcast Page as the website for my show. (Want to see how I set up my Libsyn website? Click here to watch the video.)

Want to try Libsyn free? Use the code EMILY when you sign up!

Glossary of Podcasting Terms

Glossary of Podcasting Terms

Note: This glossary is for the newbie podcaster. Some terms listed are very specific to podcasting and may have other, more complex definitions outside of what’s presented here. I’ve kept it simple to avoid Information Overload as a beginner.

I’ll also be adding to this as time goes on. If you see anything I’ve missed, go ahead and put a comment below!

Podcasters’ Gift Guide 2018

Podcasters’ Gift Guide 2018

In case you didn’t know, podcasters can be a tad obsessed with gear sometimes. Even if we have everything we could possibly need, Shiny Object Syndrome is no stranger to us when it comes to new tools in podcasting.

Those who love us may ask what we want for the holidays and sometimes it’s just easier to say “socks,” rather than explain what the difference is between a Zoom H5, a Zoom H6, and But now you can just share this post with them, instead!

What Podcasting Microphone Should You Get to Start Out With?

What Podcasting Microphone Should You Get to Start Out With?

Visit any Podcasting Facebook Group and this question will come up on a weekly basis, and especially around the holidays. It's one of the first steps to starting your podcast and one that probably gets a lot more weight put on it than necessary. The easiest and more basic answer is get a microphone that fits your environment and voice, but where to start?

If you happen to live in an area with a music store, you might be able to test out different microphones and see which one sounds best with your voice. Some even let you rent equipment to test it out with your setup. But if that's not an option and you want a microphone today, there are a few options I recommend right off the bat.

If you noticed, the title for this post is What Podcasting Microphone Should You Get to START OUT WITH. That's because my recommendations are for those just getting started in podcasting and don't want to spend a lot of money upfront, in case it's not something they want to pursue.