
Advice and Updates to My Teenage Self From My 31- and 40-Year-Old Self

I was digging through some old notes a few weeks ago and came across two lists I wrote back in 2014. I labeled the first as “some of the things I would love to tell teenagers today,” but if I’m being honest with myself, it’s a list of things I wish I could have gone back in time to tell myself when I was younger. The second is simply labeled “I don’t have all the answers,” and I think it’s a list I made thinking about my present and possible future.

I was 31 at the time I wrote these lists and wanted to share them, along with some thoughts in bold.

My Lazy Spinach-Berry-Ginger Smoothie Recipe & A Summer Update


It’s been about 3 weeks since writing my post about some recent weight gain and my feelings about it and here’s an update.

I got on the scale for the 2nd time since that post and found I was down 4 pounds! After coming off a particularly uncomfortable period that included a lot of water retention, it was a relief to wake up today feeling better and well enough to get on the scale.

One-Task-A-Day Decluttering Game

This Month's focus has been decluttering and I'm so excited to see folks who follow me on Instagram getting inspired and motivated by my one-task-a-day approach!

When I decided to tackle decluttering as my February Focus, I knew my house was in need of some cleaning and I didn't want to wait until Spring. February seemed like a great month to get going — we're over the holidays and now just trudging along until Spring. We've been in our house for so long and, I'll be honest, it's been incredibly hard to motivate myself to clean during the pandemic. I'm already so exhausted from working, childcare and the regular maintenance of the house that doing anything more is like pulling teeth for me.

ADHD and Google Home Commands I Love

Planning on getting a new Nest Hub/Google Home for the holidays and want to learn some of the ways I like using it to manage my ADHD?

Settle in because I have been immersed in the Google ecosystem for a while now. When I tell you I think of Google as my Second Brain, you’ll soon see why.

This will be a quick post, but let me know if you have any questions or want me to expand on anything I mention 😉 you can leave a comment over on my Instagram or in the comments below.