
Podcast Outro Ideas

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” — Maya Angelou

When it comes to podcast outros, new podcasters often make the mistakes of asking their audience for every single thing possible, like they’re throwing spaghetti against a wall and hoping something sticks. Surely, they think, the audience will find something they’ll want to do!

But let’s think about your podcast like a visit from a friend. Would you want to visit a friend, have a nice conversation, enjoy one another’s company, only to get bombarded at the end with a bunch of requests? Even if they are free, like following on social media or subscribing to a newsletter full of information, it’s not something you may have necessarily had in mind when you were initially invited to your friend’s house.

5 Things To Include in Your Podcast Intro & Outro (and 1 Thing You SHOULDN'T)

5 Things To Include in Your Podcast Intro & Outro (and 1 Thing You SHOULDN'T)

So you’re ready to start your podcast but … oh, what do you say?! Well, you know generally what you’re going to say. You have ideas for your episodes, but what do you say to get started? And how should you end the podcast?

Listen to a handful of podcasts, especially from different genres, and you’ll find a multitude of different ways to start a show. None of the suggestions below are set in stone, and people are coming in all the time to change how “things have always been done,” and that’s awesome. But for those just starting out and need just a little bit of guidance, here are what I look for in a podcast intro and outro.

What the New Facebook Algorithm Means for Podcasters

What the New Facebook Algorithm Means for Podcasters

The man, the myth, the legend -- Mark Zuckerberg -- came out today to announce changes to the Facebook algorithm to help keep the spam, excessive marketing, and gross salesy-ness to a minimum.

So what does that mean for your Podcast Facebook Group or Podcast Facebook Page?

Fair warning: I'm really just speculating here, but I have a few thoughts, in terms of educational guesses.

Remembering to Thank Your Audience

Remembering to Thank Your Audience

As Thanksgiving is upon us in the United States, it's important to take this time to think about what we're thankful for in our lives. And that includes our podcasts.

It's easy to get caught up in the game of comparing your podcast to others, especially those with more experience than you. But I can't tell you the number of times I've been turned off by podcasts I'm listening to in which the hosts complain about their "low" numbers.

Don't be those podcasters. Remember, everyone starts with zero listeners, as one of my podcasting mentors Dave Jackson says. Moving that number up is your job as a podcaster and marketer. And the more you cherish the audience you already have, the more they'll feel compelled to become your podcast ambassadors and spread the word about you and your show.