
ADHD Podcast Editor-Approved!: Honest Review about Loop Experience Plus Earplugs

I recently reviewed the Loop Engage Plus Earplugs and love them as my everyday, go-to earplugs.

I wasn’t sure if I really needed the Loop Experience Plus (Loop official website / Amazon) since the earplugs I had before trying Loop were already great for concerts. But I decided to try them anyway and I’m glad I did!

ADHD Podcast Editor-Approved!: Honest Review about Loop Engage Plus Earplugs

For the last few weeks, I’ve been trying out Loop earplugs. After seeing repeated ads for them and some of my favorite ADHD influencers raving about them, I decided to give them a try.

I had been using earplugs for years to protect my hearing at concerts and I found they worked great to help me focus, as well as keep from getting to overwhelmed with excess sounds. Sometimes I find with my ADHD that noises that might not bother some people bother me a lot — like mouth smacks or tongue clucks. Actually, a lot of the mouth noises I take out as a podcast editor are based on my own personal preferences for what distracts me the most — mouth clicks, loud plosives (popping P’s and B’s), humming and whirring in the background, to name a few.

Courage in January

My Word of the Year was Courage. What took Courage this month?

Taking my podcast off Spotify and posting about it.

Yes, this was scary for me. I knew how some folks in my life felt about Joe Rogan and even though I didn’t have the time nor energy to fight with people on the internet, my hyperfocus this weekend ended up being preparing for a fight, just in case.

Actually, all that preparation came in handy when I was in my DMs a lot more than usual over the weekend talking to other indie podcasters who were thinking about doing the same thing. Many of them ended up doing it, too!

Marking the New Year and Picking My 2022 Word — COURAGE

Is it weird that I still carry a tiny glimmer of hope for the new year? For a lot of December 2021, I wasn’t sure I would. I wasn’t feeling the same excitement about a new year, even though I can’t say I was a huge fan of much of 2021.

But nonetheless, I found myself looking forward to the start of a new year. And it is nice to bid farewell to the past year and feel that sense of new beginning

I don’t do resolutions anymore for the new year and I’ll talk more about that in a bit, but I do have a few traditions. The first two are very mundane and tedious if I’m being honest. But they’re still my own traditions that have oddly helped me bring in the coming year with a sense of newness, and you’d be surprised at how satisfying it is when they’re done.

The (Kind of Morbid) Push I Needed to Press Publish

The (Kind of Morbid) Push I Needed to Press Publish

I published my blog last night. I'm oddly not nervous at all. It's my corner of the internet I created for me and those who may find my story helpful.

I bought the domain emilyoutloud.com and forwarded it to the site for now. And I put the link on my links page for my bio, though I haven’t announced anything formally yet.

Friends Over Followers

When I think about my social media usage over the years, it surprises me that I’m more confused about how to use it than ever. Don’t get me wrong, I consider myself part of the social media pioneer generation. Compared to what Facebook is now, it astonishes me that I was around when you needed a college email to sign up and it still had “The” before its official name. And there was no talk of the Metaverse at all.

But ever since starting a podcast and then a business, I began to use social media for much more than catching up with friends and family. I began to use it to network and promote more.

November Focus: Write!

It’s November, and my friends who participate in NaNoWriMo (or NaPodPoMo for podcasters!) every year have finally inspired me and I want to get into writing this month.

November seems like the most idyllic time for writing when I picture it in my mind. Cozy sweaters, candlelight, warmth from a fire, or a heating pad in my case. It’s currently 6:51 a.m. and it’s been the first time in I don’t know how long I’ve woken up before my son, who is the loudest alarm clock on the planet.