
Life Update + October 2021 Roundup

I took this photo this morning with no makeup, no filter, and with hair that I slept on when it was wet. I’ve been trying to get morning sunlight to keep my mental health on the up-and-up as the days get shorter. I like to make some tea and open the back door to watch the sunrise. It’s actually a nicer habit I find than sitting in front of my HappyLight, which I still love, but gives me a headache some mornings and it’s been hard to remember to use it, honestly.

I’ve been in a weird rut lately.

My son has his second cold this month. Ah, the joys of finally sending him to school, only for his schedule to be even more out of whack with unexpected sick days, on top of living in a pandemic where he has to be cleared by his doctor and multiple COVID tests to be able to return to school. Luckily, his tests came back negative and that’s a relief by itself.

I Realized I was Omnisexual as I Was Writing About How I Thought I Was Pan! LOL

I Realized I was Omnisexual as I Was Writing About How I Thought I Was Pan! LOL

What follows is an excerpt from my journal today as I began thinking about Coming Out Day and if I should. I don’t think anyone expected me to, but I also didn’t think many of my friends would care or mind. Thanks, friends! You’re cool 🙂

But I do know they might be curious if and when I do decide to come out. Something got into me tonight and I finally wrote the journey I’ve been going through the past 2 years pretty much since beginning to question if I was bi, then pan, and then finally realizing (through writing, surprise, surprise) that I am in fact Omnisexual!

So, what is Omnisexuality?