Life Update + October 2021 Roundup

Emily is wearing a sweater, holding a cup of tea with no makeup, no filter, and very tired. Her cat, Little Man, is plopped next to her.

No makeup, no filter — and as I’m posting it, I’m realizing I could probably stand to clean my doorframes 😳

I took this photo this morning with no makeup, no filter, and with hair that I slept on when it was wet. I’ve been trying to get morning sunlight to keep my mental health on the up-and-up as the days get shorter. I like to make some tea and open the back door to watch the sunrise. It’s actually a nicer habit I find than sitting in front of my HappyLight, which I still love, but gives me a headache some mornings and it’s been hard to remember to use it, honestly.

I’ve been in a weird rut lately.

My son has his second cold this month. Ah, the joys of finally sending him to school, only for his schedule to be even more out of whack with unexpected sick days, on top of living in a pandemic where he has to be cleared by his doctor and multiple COVID tests to be able to return to school. Luckily, his tests came back negative and that’s a relief by itself.

But it’s meant I unexpectedly had to drop my workload for this week. Thanks to past-Emily, I was actually pretty caught up with most things that needed to be done and it wasn’t a huge problem.

In fact, the more I plan and make sure to include a lot of white space in my schedule, the better I can handle these kinds of weeks. I didn’t really have big plans for when he was in school anyway. We’re still getting used to this new schedule.

I’ve noticed this month when planning around the different energy levels during my period and ovulation, I was able to get a lot accomplished that I wanted to, including the Rocky Horror Roller Show over on Instagram!

Links to the finished videos are below. If you like Rocky Horror and enjoy my roller skating Reels, this is right up your alley 🙂


I went to a Queer ADHD group coaching session and we talked about reframing as a method to help with our mindset, especially projects and productivity. It also helps us keep perspective and not get overwhelmed with our own thoughts and interpretations of situations — we have active imaginations, which can sometimes run away with us.

ADHDers also have a tendency to think in a very “All or Nothing” way sometimes and it can feel like we’re stuck between two equally unappealing extremes. It’s nice to have reframing as a way to add a third option or more to the mix to add perspective.

It was so helpful to be with others who were similar. And in a way that I relate to on more than a surface-level interest. Two of the women were also in relationships with Cis men, the way I am and we all resonated with the fear that we aren’t “queer enough.”

Isn’t that interesting?

Even when you finally find people like you, it’s still easy to question, “do I belong here?” Maybe it’s from years and years of knowing we truly didn’t belong in some spaces, but we couldn’t put our fingers on exactly why so we’re used to feeling like that. That’s my interpretation, at least.

I’m feeling more confident in my omnisexuality, now that it’s been a few weeks of processing. It actually helps that I bought a hoodie with an omnisexual flag heart on it. Wearing something on the outside that represents who I am on the inside is one of my favorite forms of expression.

I’m also a sucker for a nicely designed graphic and, I have to say, the pride flags have some great color combinations!

I’m still unsure what this blog will become, but I did have the idea to name it Emily: Out Loud and I have a half-cooked plan to release it as a podcast, as well! An audio blog. Do I care if that’s “in” anymore? Nope. This is how I feel comfortable expressing myself at the moment, and I’m so happy with it 🙂

Rocky Horror Roller Show

This Month’s Blog Posts

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